team consider negative impacts of a reactive prop tech strategy

Is your technology strategy too reactive?

You know your organization is burdened with a reactive technology strategy if serious time and money are spent on resolving issues and emergencies after they impact operations. This approach doesn’t leave enough hours in the day to create proactive, forward-thinking strategies and processes that nurture ongoing success.

Not sure where your team stands when it comes to your technology strategy? Is it too reactive? If you notice these red flags, then it may be time to find help optimizing your company’s approach to tech and finding better ways to work.

1. Your organization has trouble adapting to new workplace demands

Evolution is necessary to stay relevant, but many teams overlooking corporate real estate (CRE) are still relying on technology designed for outdated ways of working. For example, can your workplace support hybrid work indefinitely? A Gallup survey of 140,000+ U.S. employees reveals just how important this is: As of February 2022, 42% of workers are hybrid, and this number is expected to grow to 53% in the next several months.

2. You lose talent to organizations that use innovative technology

Tech experiences play a key role in employee satisfaction. Case in point: 21% of workers in a TRUCE survey say that new technology is the best way to attract, retain, and empower employees. A State of Work report indicates that half the U.S. workforce is willing to quit due to technology frustrations. The moral of the story: Employees will only suffer through slow or outdated (or no) technology for so long before they seek other employment options.

3. You lack data to make informed decisions

If you don’t have the data you need to make decisions—and you rely on ad-hoc numbers and spreadsheets from various departments—then delays and uncertainties can slow you down as you attempt to make educated guesses. When equipped with the right real-time information, you can make swift and confident choices.

4. You capture data manually instead of using automated, dynamic dashboards

Your CRE organization may see the value in data-driven decision making, but that’s only the first step. Manual data collection methods can thwart your best efforts to move in a data-forward direction: It opens the door to human error, eats up valuable time, and doesn’t allow for real-time insights. Manual data capture may allow you to see “what is,” but it lacks the ability to reveal “what could be.”

5. You don’t have or use performance benchmarks

How do you know if your CRE portfolio, assets, and people are performing better, worse, or similar to previous years? And how can you compare your performance to your peers? Benchmarking against industry best practices and your own performance is how you track progress and identify areas that need improvement so you can drive successful outcomes.

6. You lack a unified technology strategy

If different people and departments make their own decisions about the technology and platforms they use without keeping the overall organization and big picture in mind, you’ll soon have a siloed tech stack that lacks integration to support data-driven decision making. A unified technology strategy streamlines usage and makes sure everyone has access to the information they need.

Kickstart your tech-driven workplace journey

Putting a transformation plan in place can lead you to the type of transformation you need to make better decisions, retain workers, and even attract top talent.

Need a way to measure how dynamic your workplace really is? Start with JLL Technologies’ Dynamic Workplace Technology Assessment to find out. Use this tool to evaluate your current state—and get advice on next steps to consider as you continue your path toward a better, safer workplace.