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How Hensel Phelps maximizes team productivity with Corrigo

Jesse Dzierzanowski is the Program Manager, Warranty Department Manager, and CMMS Platform Manager for Hensel Phelps Construction and Hensel Phelps Services.

Jesse relies on Corrigo to create efficient workflows that minimize paperwork, so field crews can focus on building, installing, and maintaining. Corrigo boosts team productivity and increases speed to market via faster project timelines.

Discover how to boost the performance of your field service management team. Contact a Corrigo expert today.

First and foremost, I love the Corrigo platform for maximizing efficiencies so my team in the field can do what they do best, which is build, install, and maintain.

Jesse Dzierzanowski

CMMS Platform Manager, Hensel Phelps Services


Video transcript

My name is Jesse Dzierzanowski. I’m with Hensel Phelps Construction and Hensel Phelps Services. My title is program manager, warranty department manager, and CMMS platform manager.

I try to find solutions to maximize efficiency and let my team in the field do what they do best, which is build, install, and maintain. I’m just trying to help them do any of their paperwork management and things like that in a more efficient manner.

How does Corrigo fit into your workflows?

Specifically for Corrigo, I run five different workflows through the software to manage our efficiency, data, and paperwork through the company.

First and foremost, I love the platform. That’s the only reason I’m here.

So for me, using Corrigo is all about enhancements. It’s, you know, can we tweak this? Can we make this a little more intuitive, a little more process-driven? You know at the same time, ironically, how can I manage it better?

How does Corrigo help you and your teams work smarter

So the way Corrigo helped improve our productivity with our people is speed, speed to market and efficiency as far as our workflows. So as I stated, my guys, their sole purpose is to get stuff done. They hate paperwork.

So, what I’ve tried to do is give them a tool and a product that allows them to get more done. They’re not technology people, you know. They use the phone because they have to. So our team, it’s always about, well, we got to have this technology. We need the paperwork to back it up. So my job is to make that happen as quickly and intuitively as possible. Get them through it, so they can do what they’re better at, which is getting it built, getting it done, and getting it maintained.