By JLL Technologies

Find more success using corporate apps to create a complete workplace experience

Consider that your company has lots of apps that create great experiences for your users. The problem is that none of these apps are dedicated to creating or managing a consistent experience that touches every corner of the workplace.

The result is employees being less confident about which apps are used to do their jobs, which means more time wasted flipping between those apps and less time dedicated to mission-critical tasks.

When employees have apps that aren’t designed for the specific tasks they need to accomplish, it’s frustrating for them—and it weakens the workplace experience. Here are a few examples of how the apps your organization currently use could be creating unintended friction and harming efficiency.

Problem 1: Calendaring and messaging apps to schedule hybrid remote/in-person meetings

Using calendaring/messaging apps to schedule meetings is one of the most common practices across all industries, but they also create distractions for employees.

As the pandemic wanes, in-person meeting locations will change frequently to accommodate employees coming in and out of the office multiple days of the week—especially when many of these employees will be deciding their own schedules. The number of calendar updates needed to keep users apprised of all these changes could mean an all-day string of distractions for everyone on the invite list.

This approach also puts additional burden on in-office employees to update the group on potential on-site changes to meeting room availability.

These scenarios underscore the need to find a solution for meeting scheduling that can make intelligent decisions in real time and seamlessly alert users on their mobile devices as they make their way to scheduled meetings.

Problem 2: Spreadsheets to manage health and safety compliance

It’s no surprise that spreadsheets are used so often to manage compliance—these programs are extremely flexible, familiar to users, and usually don’t incur additional cost. Maybe you’ve already deployed spreadsheets to help navigate the increased need for health and safety compliance that comes with the return-to-office. However, a major downside is, again, distracting workers.

Examples of this include:

Static, manual data input: When health and safety compliance is managed via spreadsheet, your employees are forced to open and close a spreadsheet each time an update is necessary. Compare this process to one where compliance has been automated and managed via a mobile app.

Persistent risk of human error: It just comes with the territory of allowing your users to manage a growing spreadsheet. Mistakes will be made. Correcting those errors takes additional time away from what workers need to focus on daily.

Additional steps to enforce IT policies and regulatory changes: Lack of an audit trail and limited data protection are two of many reasons your IT or compliance team may object to the spreadsheet method. If these stakeholders feel the need to further encrypt your spreadsheet, the process of accessing that data will become even more time-consuming.

Problem 3: Messaging platforms to promote employee collaboration

Some problems can be resolved in a few minutes with the right group of people. But it might take 40 minutes for the same group to try to resolve the same issue using the company’s messaging platform. Even worse, there’s a good chance that extended back-and-forth also reduces employee focus on the rest of their daily tasks.

Instead of expecting workers to reinvent how they use their messaging app, empower them to recreate the type of organic, in-person engagement that contributed to problem-solving and team morale before the pandemic.

A workplace experience app that allows users to identify when their favorite collaborators are available and seamlessly schedule an in-person meeting with them in a single interface is an attractive alternative.

Solution: Consider a dedicated workplace experience app

Want to know the simplest way to reduce app fatigue and worker distraction? Limit the number of different programs your employees use each day by adopting a dedicated workplace experience app that streamlines multiple workflows into a single, convenient, mobile interface.

Register for our November 11 webinar for insights into the most efficient ways to deploy the new technologies your organization needs to prepare for the return-to-office and future-proof your workplace.

Have questions about what pulling this all off looks like in real life? Learn more about the features of JLL Jet or schedule a demo today.