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Miller Electric service calls run smoothly with Corrigo

Rochelle Price is Vice President of Shared Services for Miller Electric Company, one of the largest electrical contractors in the United States.

Corrigo brings order to client service calls by capturing all costs, approvals, signatures, and documentation in real time inside one centralized database via the Corrigo mobile app. Gone are the days of job notes scribbled on pieces of paper and the daily sprint to transfer the notes to invoices before the end of the workday.

Corrigo is central to Miller Electric’s service operations and is used for tracking payroll, labor, and materials inventory.

Discover how Corrigo boosts the performance of your facilities maintenance team. Contact a Corrigo expert today.

After implementing Corrigo, we actually started solving problems we didn’t even know we had.

Rochelle Price

Vice President of Shared Services, Miller Electric Company


Video transcript

I’m Rochelle Price, and I am the VP of Shared Services at Miller Electric Company. Miller Electric is an electrical contractor, and we’ve been in business for 96 years. We are a privately owned company, and we are one of the largest electrical contractors in the United States.

What struggles does Corrigo address for you?

One of our biggest struggles that we try to address with Corrigo is documenting what’s being done when we’re at our clients’ sites.

We need to document what we’re doing while we’re there and need to make sure the customer knows when we got there, and if we got there on time. We need to make sure that we’re documenting everything we’re doing and capturing relevant information and costs. The Corrigo mobile app really helps with that. You know, just taking that picture or getting that signature is critical for proper documentation—same for attaching the documentation to the work order where all data is saved in a secure, centralized database.

Before we started intentionally documenting with the Corrigo mobile app, our technicians just had pieces of paper in their trucks. I think life was simpler for them before Corrigo because they would just bring all the pieces of paper back to the service office and hand them off to an admin who would create all the related invoices—hopefully before quitting time! It was pretty crazy when you think about it.

Corrigo allowed us to convert that paper process into a real-time digital workflow. I know that our margins definitely increased when we started using Corrigo because we’re capturing everything. We use the software for payroll and for capturing labor time and costs and all of our material inventory.

We weren’t doing any of that before Corrigo, so we actually started solving problems that we didn’t even know we had. We even started finding problems we didn’t know we had.

Why did you choose Corrigo

I’ve always been a huge fan of Corrigo because I know that it works. And I’ve seen the impact that it’s had on our bottom line in service. But I also wanted Corrigo to prove itself, and it totally did. Corrigo sales reps came out and gave us a demo. They had to prove the software, not to me or my service team but to our CFO, CTO, and a couple of VPs. The reps did an incredible job, and we bought Corrigo. Right now, we’re actually in the process of rolling it out to a broader group of people in the company.

What would you tell others considering Corrigo?

It’s a wonderful product. I’m a huge advocate of Corrigo within my company, and everybody knows it. Every time they talk about changing our software or even thinking about it, they almost don’t even want me in the room because they know I’m so pro Corrigo.

I would tell facility managers that if they’re not using something like Corrigo, they’re totally missing out on cost savings. Corrigo will totally change your productivity. When Corrigo was purchased by JLL, I was afraid that customer service would go down. That was my biggest worry, and I was totally wrong. It’s actually gotten even better. The Corrigo team really listens, which is unheard of, really, in a company of that size.

I totally recommend Corrigo, and I do it all the time. I attend industry conferences like NECA (National Electrical Contractors Association) and CFMA (Construction Financial Management Association). I serve on their committees, and when people ask, I tell them that Corrigo has really changed our service business, which is our most profitable department.