Evaluating a new iwms integrator is a top priority for orgs heading into 2024
By JLL Technologies

4 rules for evaluating workplace systems integrators

Organizations are responding to changing expectations around remote work by focusing on employee productivity, building efficiency, and workplace engagement. According to a new report from Verdantix evaluating workplace systems integrators, there is a strong demand for tech experts who can help companies achieve those goals by unifying workplace technology via IWMS.

The analysis also noted that long-term relationships with technology service providers have become more appealing than in the past, and more organizations are preferring this approach over one-time engagements.

For these teams, access to ongoing support services has become essential to helping them maintain peak productivity and engagement in the workplace.

So, what should your organization be looking for in a workplace technology partner? Pulling from JLL’s extensive expertise in integrating IWMS and the latest analysis from Verdantix, here are the top criteria to keep in mind when evaluating workplace systems integrators.

1. Does the integrator possess technical expertise and an understanding of business processes?

A deep understanding of your industry’s unique business processes is an essential trait for any workplace systems integrator. Even more important is that the integrator can effortlessly bridge that understanding of your business with the technical knowledge of which tools are the best fit to achieve your goals around the workplace.

There are numerous reasons to prefer an integrator who can demonstrate deep familiarity with your industry’s quirks and nuances. Without the need to educate tech partners, the process of integration can proceed more quickly from the onset.

The right integrator will also be able to uncover new opportunities as the integration goes along, such as uncovering and removing process bottlenecks that slow down employee productivity.

2. Is the integrator supported by a broad ecosystem of technology partners?

Many workplace systems integrators have dedicated business partnerships with software vendors, and this is an important factor to consider when evaluating which service provider is right for you. That said, integrators that have established multiple partnerships offer a unique advantage to their clients.

Access to multiple options ensures that your organization leverages a best-in-breed solution. Likewise, the additional options afford your organization even more flexibility around how you choose to scale and deploy new tools. An integrator’s long-term business partnerships with vendors also reflect a consistent reputation of technical proficiency and customer satisfaction.

3. Are an integrator’s proprietary products compatible with current and future solutions?

It’s not uncommon for workplace system integrators to incorporate proprietary tools as they implement technology for their clients. When deployed successfully by an experienced workplace systems integrator, these proprietary solutions unlock and enable new capabilities within the technology your organization already uses.

Unified user experiences across multiple tools, streamlined daily workflows for users, and refined data management processes are just a few examples of extra value that integrators can generate with proprietary tools.

This is a critical point of focus for organizations evaluating their next technology partner. The ease and cost of future technology upgrades may hinge on the ability of these proprietary tools to mesh seamlessly with popular commercial applications.

4. Can the integrator provide high-value, ongoing support services?

When evaluating potential integrators, remember that implementing workplace systems is just the beginning.

For organizations determined to capture the long-term value promised by upgrading their workplace technology, workplace systems integrators can provide additional support around adoption, troubleshooting, system updates, and upgrades.

The value and convenience associated with on-going support services are a primary motivating factor behind the growing trend of organizations working long-term with their workplace technology partners.

Review profiles in the recent workplace systems integrator report from Verdantix and integrator customer stories like these for insights into an integrator’s ability to create value for organizations year after year.

Unlock the full potential of your workplace technology

Download Green Quadrant: Workplace Systems Integrators 2023 from Verdantix for access to detailed profiles of 12 market-leading technology partners that could help your business, including JLL. You can also connect with one of our experts if your organization needs immediate support to solve the problems holding back your IWMS.

*This content was produced with the assistance of generative AI.