a team struggles to get value from disorganized data

Put an end to uncertainty caused by poor data visibility

Every day, corporate real estate professionals make choices about employee experiences, workplace design, facilities management, and technology. The outcomes can have lasting financial and operational consequences.

What’s the secret to making those decisions with confidence that they will lead to the results you want? It’s data visibility.

It’s not enough for your organization to be able to collect data about how your corporate real estate operates. There also needs to be strategy and infrastructure set up to monitor, access, and analyze data from disparate sources and turn all that data into a single, accurate story.

Reliable data visibility allows organizations to anticipate the results of decisions like increasing or decreasing office square footage before committing to the plan. Making these cost-saving assessments is more efficient and effective when you know how your space—and your people—operate in real time.

Red flags that point toward poor data visibility

Information is generated about nearly every asset and occupant inside a building. Without the right framework in place, however, this data is fragmented and disjointed. It’s not uncommon for organizations to spend so much time reconciling data sources that they can’t respond to the results in an actionable way.

Signs that data visibility needs improvement:
  • Data across the organization is managed by different people in different locations
  • Information is being collected but it doesn’t fulfill an obvious purpose
  • Point solutions provide limited visibility but they don’t (or can’t) interact
  • Finding data answers to simple questions is labor-intensive and time-consuming

Workplace changes demand more informed decision-making

Workplaces have changed a lot—especially in the past few years. Employee behaviors and preferences are changing, too. CRE teams are now making decisions about things like hybrid environments and digital work experiences. It’s critical that workplaces become destinations, inspiring employee use and driving productivity.

CRE teams will need real-time data visibility and insight into changing workplaces and employee preferences to make decisions about the portfolio. This is true whether their goal is to attract and retain talent, improve operations, reduce costs, or drive capital growth.

Without this insight, a CRE team’s ability to make timely decisions can be crippled by organizational constraints, limited resources, poor institutional knowledge, and complex change management. The result: A static, unresponsive workplace strategy that can’t adapt to preferences from employees about where, when, and how they work.

To move from this static environment to a dynamic, mature workplace, you need access to information about everything that makes up the employee experience—from occupancy and space utilization information to temperature and security data. With this data, you can make decisions about workplace design and technology based on environmental factors, preferences, and utilization patterns.

What does data visibility look like in your organization?

How does your CRE team make important decisions? Do you have the data needed to make your workplace more dynamic? Start with JLL Technologies’ Dynamic Workplace Technology Assessment to find out.

Once you know where you stand, partnering with an expert like JLLT can help your team improve and leverage data visibility even faster.