mixed use building with many windows in medium sized city

Hank drives reduced energy costs of $71K for Samuels & Associates

When Samuels & Associates—owners of a 492,126 sq. ft. property in Boston, MA, including both office and residential spaces—was faced with significant energy costs, they knew a change needed to be made for reduced energy costs.

With an annual spend of approximately $826,000, a major portion of this expenditure was attributed to HVAC energy usage, totaling 45% of their total energy consumption.

Samuels & Associates sought the expertise of Hank, an AI-based HVAC optimisation solution. Hank’s utility experts engaged in multiple discussions with the utility provider, Eversource, to explore the potential energy savings for the building. With the help of Hank, Samuel & Associates achieved an estimated annual cost reduction of $71,500, amounting to a 19% reduction in their HVAC energy consumption.

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