
Corrigo is a core FM technology for the world’s largest e-commerce retailer

Tealina Mairs is the Corrigo Product Lead for JLL, working on the account of the largest e-commerce retailer in the world.

The retailer uses Corrigo at a global scale and considers the software to be one of its core facility technologies. Embedding it with other software programs and innovative technologies holds the promise of new synergies, efficiencies and optimization opportunities.

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Our customer uses Corrigo at a global scale and has identified it as one of the core facility technologies they use across all their sites.

Tealina Mairs

Corrigo Product Lead for JLL's largest retail customer


Video transcript

My name is Tealina Mairs. I am the Corrigo product lead for JLL, working on the account of one of the largest e-commerce retailers in the world.

How does Corrigo enable facilities management at scale?

The client I work for uses Corrigo at a global scale, and they’ve actually identified it as one of the top core facility technologies they use across all of their sites to manage work orders, to connect with service providers, and to pay invoices. Both mobile and desktop technologies have been important to them.

Because the software is central or core to how they manage their business globally, we are looking for opportunities to embed it within other technologies they use. This is to find synergies, efficiencies, or optimization opportunities across the platform that exists today.

How does Corrigo factor into the growth of your customer’s business?

Because of the features and functionality offered in Corrigo and the interest in platforms like the CAB (Customer Advisory Board), we’re able to listen and partner with our software customers. We’ve been able to identify and define a robust strategic and tactical roadmap to meet the ever-changing needs and landscapes of our client.

At one site alone, we process and work on tens of thousands of work orders per month. Using Corrigo, leveraging its capabilities and integrating it into the larger technology landscape, it allows us to recoup optimization and efficiency opportunities that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.

What features are you looking forward to with Corrigo?

There are a number of upcoming features and functionalities that we’re really excited about. One of them is digital rounds, which allow our techs to visit assets, collect asset information, and trend those and their trajectories over time, leading to valuable assets insights and history.

How does Corrigo impact the relationship with your customer?

To us, our client is primarily customer-focused. Using the integration with Corrigo, we are able to automatically give them real-time updates on how we’re working towards progress and resolution of their requests without needing any more information from the people on the ground working hard to do that.

What would you say to someone considering Corrigo for their FM?

For anyone who may be considering Corrigo—and I know there are a lot of SaaS applications and other work order management CMMS or enterprise asset management systems to choose from—you may have experienced the gates that exist between you as the customer and that service provider.

Corrigo works hard to break down those walls by creating opportunities and forums like the Corrigo conference, like the Corrigo Change Advisory Board, to hear from their customers and continue to deliver value that looks and feels like its supportive of you and your business.

Recommended Reading:

The CMMS Solution to Facilities Management

Work Order Software Drives Streamlined Facilities Management

FM Best Practices for Heroic Work Order Management